Saturday, December 29, 2007

Holiday Fun

Hi guys
my cousin came to stay with me for a week. his name is Grady......boy does that make for some confusion. Brady......Grady.......geez !
anyway we been havin fun on the trail, at the dog park, then the soccer field.
Rasslin in the house and whatnot.
But boy is this guy a chow hound, he eats way too fast. Myself i'm a little more discerning at the dinner dish. I don't want them to think I like it too much. Then they'll stop givin me turkey treats and other good stuff.
And Grady is starting to get up with my Dady in his chair.......that's a biggggg no-no. That's reserved for me next to myyyy Dad.
It's been fun though. He keeps me on my toes.
Hope all you guys have a great New Year!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

First day of winter

Wow.....Christmas is almost here and i'm already getting the good stuff.
Bones and toys. I guess i really got these guys trained well.
Anyway Dad and I are still hittin the trails, even in the snow.
This is my first full time experience with the white stuff. Not as many good smells but boy do i love to run in it and grab the ice balls that are laying around.
We went to Drummer Boy park this morning and i say my pals, Moses (a black lab), another yellow lab named Finn, Paddock (he looks like the Spuds McKinsey dog), Shelly (an irish sitter), and Oliver the Vishnu. Man is he crazy for a ball, i thought my pal Finnie from Arizona was a ball nut, but this dude takes the cake. Then there were the three goldens prancing around like they were too good to go waddin in the big puddle. Dad can never tell where i've been cause i'm brown just like the dirt and mud. he-he-he!!
So i got Dad and Mom all to myself this holiday weekend and i know we are going to do some fun stuff. Hope all you guys and gals have a great Holiday!!!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Best Time of Year

Dad has been so busy i can't believe it's been two months since our last post.
We found some new trails not far from the house, still warm enough to swim and we've had a few visitors over to the house. My favorite time though was when i say my friend Finnie and his Dad Tim. We met over to Kent's Point and played in the water. Boy !! Finn sure can swim, he goes waaayyyyyy out after his tennis ball. There was no way i was going that far. Maybe when i'm a little older and get some more swim time under my belt. We should be getting some pictures from Finn's Dad pretty soon. We had a lot of fun on Nauset Beach too, dodging the waves. And Finnie don't even care about the waves, he goes splashing in after his ball!!!
It was a blast but i thought he was gonna get too tired so I took his ball once and layed on it so he coudn't find it. So it's been a great Fall so far, the Sox are in the World Series and my namesake is tearing up the NFL. whewwwweeeeee!!!
Halloween is around the corner and Dad will probably try and dress me up in some stupid looking clothes. Oh well it's all fun!! See ya

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hi Everybody !
Well summer is drawing to a big close and man have i had some
awesome weather on the Cape. This past weekend Dad took me
to Kent Point and i went swimming. i love to retrieve big sticks in
the water.
Boy was i glad to hear that my buddy Finsta made it to Tucson, safe
and sound. I just hope he stays that way with all those snakes and spiders
running around. Hey Finnie don't be messin with those critters !!!
My favorite thing at night is when Dad gets out the ZenPuppy treats.
Those organic soft chewy lovelies. yummmmm!!! They make me go right
to sleep. And then Dad had to get the ZenPuppy hat and t-shirt of course.
I can't wait for the leaves to start fallin.......wait a minute......the Red Sox
haven't even started the playoffs yet......what am i sayin??
Yankees suck!! Yankees suck!!
Oh and dad got a blue shirt with a number 12 on it and my name on the back.
He rrreally loves me huh??
Well that's all for now.....i'm getting tired.
send me a line guys, i love hearing from you.

the Bradford

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Brady's Page

OK sires and dames
this is where i let it all hang out
These guys have the gentle leader on me again because i'm getting a voice.
Don't get me wrong, i got it pretty sweet here at my pad in Brewster
but sometimes a guy's gotta let it out......ya know?
So i'm readin my pal Finnie's blog travel page......and i gotta admit i'm a little jealous.
trapsin all over the place with his pack leader, driving, flying, cabbin in NYC, jeeezzzzz!!
but can have the planes.........ya dig? i just a soon keep all paws on the ground....... thank you very much.
we miss ya on the Cape Finsta......i'll never forget how you taught me to jump off the porch steps!!!! Good luck at your new home in Tucson.

Year of the Dog

This is my Dad's beginning on his book "Year of the Dog", since i'm the main character i'll try and get him to post excerpts as he goes, but you never know about him.

Why does this dog speak so profoundly to my inner life.
I'm walking Brady, our youngster of a Chocolate Lab, across the street, through the neighborhood of our Cape Cod sanctuary. As sanctuaries go this is where i'd be happy to stay until the end of my days. The quiet, serene, environmentally rich landscape with all its intricacies, and hub bub of summer life.....the quiet isolation of winter, all speaks to my soul. Walking is too docile a word for what we are doing this morning, on the pavement, in the grass, filtering through brush and weeds, I am being led as if being shown all the low to ground fun that i miss in my six foot frame. And then a jerk 180 degress around to find some penial essence on a nearby leaf.

I love his ferocity for life and the moment, his unconditional love for Lynda and I, qualities I lack at most times. Being human I find is a much lonlier endeavor than being a dog. Dogs spend a great deal of time in solitude, waiting for someone to come home, for the world to begin again - but they live in a state of connectedness, it seems that we have lost, if we ever possesed it. Is that why i have turned to him, he who is always ready to receive, to join in wholeheartedly, as so often i cannot? I think to be human is to be a watcher; sometimes even at our moments of undeniable joy or overwhelming grief there is a part of us conscious of our being, observing that being. I do not think dogs have such a part; they are all right here, involved in whatever it is, and therefore they are a sort of cure for our great abiding loneliness. A temporary cure, but a real one.