Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hi Everybody !
Well summer is drawing to a big close and man have i had some
awesome weather on the Cape. This past weekend Dad took me
to Kent Point and i went swimming. i love to retrieve big sticks in
the water.
Boy was i glad to hear that my buddy Finsta made it to Tucson, safe
and sound. I just hope he stays that way with all those snakes and spiders
running around. Hey Finnie don't be messin with those critters !!!
My favorite thing at night is when Dad gets out the ZenPuppy treats.
Those organic soft chewy lovelies. yummmmm!!! They make me go right
to sleep. And then Dad had to get the ZenPuppy hat and t-shirt of course.
I can't wait for the leaves to start fallin.......wait a minute......the Red Sox
haven't even started the playoffs yet......what am i sayin??
Yankees suck!! Yankees suck!!
Oh and dad got a blue shirt with a number 12 on it and my name on the back.
He rrreally loves me huh??
Well that's all for now.....i'm getting tired.
send me a line guys, i love hearing from you.

the Bradford


Finsta said...

Hey Brady! So good to hear from you and I'm sure glad I'm not the only blogging dog! So you have got it made and I am jealous of you, you got the Ocean, a mommy and a daddy, you got winter and I love winter!, you got Zen treats and all I get are carrots and rice cakes and some chewy thing the vet gave us for my teeth!, and now you have a book about you and my dad only writes about crazy rock stars and cocaine dealers! Gee whiz..well I guess we gotta be grateful for what we got and not jealous of each other's lives. See you in October, I really look forward to swimming with you!!--The Finsta

Finsta said...

Finsta said...

Hey Brady! So good to hear from you and I'm sure glad I'm not the only blogging dog! So you have got it made and I am jealous of you, you got the Ocean, a mommy and a daddy, you got winter and I love winter!, you got Zen treats and all I get are carrots and rice cakes and some chewy thing the vet gave us for my teeth!, and now you have a book about you and my dad only writes about crazy rock stars and cocaine dealers! Gee whiz..well I guess we gotta be grateful for what we got and not jealous of each other's lives. See you in October, I really look forward to swimming with you!!--The Finsta

August 26, 2007 2:16 PM