Saturday, December 29, 2007

Holiday Fun

Hi guys
my cousin came to stay with me for a week. his name is Grady......boy does that make for some confusion. Brady......Grady.......geez !
anyway we been havin fun on the trail, at the dog park, then the soccer field.
Rasslin in the house and whatnot.
But boy is this guy a chow hound, he eats way too fast. Myself i'm a little more discerning at the dinner dish. I don't want them to think I like it too much. Then they'll stop givin me turkey treats and other good stuff.
And Grady is starting to get up with my Dady in his chair.......that's a biggggg no-no. That's reserved for me next to myyyy Dad.
It's been fun though. He keeps me on my toes.
Hope all you guys have a great New Year!!!

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