Saturday, December 29, 2007

Holiday Fun

Hi guys
my cousin came to stay with me for a week. his name is Grady......boy does that make for some confusion. Brady......Grady.......geez !
anyway we been havin fun on the trail, at the dog park, then the soccer field.
Rasslin in the house and whatnot.
But boy is this guy a chow hound, he eats way too fast. Myself i'm a little more discerning at the dinner dish. I don't want them to think I like it too much. Then they'll stop givin me turkey treats and other good stuff.
And Grady is starting to get up with my Dady in his chair.......that's a biggggg no-no. That's reserved for me next to myyyy Dad.
It's been fun though. He keeps me on my toes.
Hope all you guys have a great New Year!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

First day of winter

Wow.....Christmas is almost here and i'm already getting the good stuff.
Bones and toys. I guess i really got these guys trained well.
Anyway Dad and I are still hittin the trails, even in the snow.
This is my first full time experience with the white stuff. Not as many good smells but boy do i love to run in it and grab the ice balls that are laying around.
We went to Drummer Boy park this morning and i say my pals, Moses (a black lab), another yellow lab named Finn, Paddock (he looks like the Spuds McKinsey dog), Shelly (an irish sitter), and Oliver the Vishnu. Man is he crazy for a ball, i thought my pal Finnie from Arizona was a ball nut, but this dude takes the cake. Then there were the three goldens prancing around like they were too good to go waddin in the big puddle. Dad can never tell where i've been cause i'm brown just like the dirt and mud. he-he-he!!
So i got Dad and Mom all to myself this holiday weekend and i know we are going to do some fun stuff. Hope all you guys and gals have a great Holiday!!!!!